Sternberg, Robert J's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Barron's how to prepare for the MAT Miller analogies test1989
2.Defying the crowd : cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity1995
3.The psychologist's companion : a guide to scientific writing for students and researchers1993
4.Cognitive psychology2017
5.Beyond IQ : a triarchic theory of human intelligence1985
6.Intelligence, information processing, and analogical reasoning : the componential analysis of human abilities1977
7.Cognitive psychology1999
8.Successful intelligence : how practical and creative intelligence determine success in life1996
9.Feaching for thinking1996
10.Cognitive psychology2003
11.Successful intelligence : how practical and eative intelligence determine success in life1996
12.Educational psychology2002
13.Dynamic testing : the nature and measurement of learning potential2002
14.Complex cognition : the psychology of human thought2001
15.The psychologist's companion : a guide to scientific writing for students and researchers2003
17.Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized2003
18.Psychology : in search of the human mind2001
19.In search of the human mind1998
20.Cognitive psychology2009
21.The psychologist's companion : a guide to writing scientific papers for students and researchers2010
22.Cognitive psychology2012